Accessories family | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Technical descripion
“”DMX” stands for “Digital Multiplex Signal”. It is
sometimes called DMX 512, because it can be used to
control up to 512 channels. To better understand the
word channel, think of a DMX “Channel” as a “Color”, so
if you have an RGB light this light would use 3
“Channels” or “Colors”. You can control up to 170 RGB
Lights in a single DMX universe or up to 512 single color
lights in one DMX universe. Each fixture is specifically
addressed within the 512 universe using a DMX
Decoder/Driver, and you program your light scenes
according to the DMX address that you assigned to each
Input DATA signal: Twisted cable Positive /Negative Under Protocol DMX512/1990
Modes: DMX Common mode / DMX Special Channel mode/ Demo mode
Dimensions: 54 x 26 mm
Weight: 0.1 kg