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Comprehensive catalog of Arend products

Edit : 2022-January

Includes technical information required by engineers, designers and implementers, optical pattern images and applications for the entire family of linear lights, Panel, Downlight, Industrial, Spot-Burial-Waterfall, Decorative, Magnetar Magnetic Lighting System and Tracklight Lighting System…

Arend Product Brochure

Edit : 2022-January

Includes a summary of technical information and pictures of the entire family of linear lights, Panel, Danlite, Industrial, Spot-Burial-Waterfall, Decorative,Magnetar magnetic lighting system and track light lighting system …, Arend index projects and new line of Arend products, which are updated quarterly.

Arand Magnet Product Brochure

Edit : 2022-January

Image-oriented brochure of Magnetar Arand products

Arand Decorative Products Brochure

Edit : 2022-January

Image-oriented brochure of Arand decorative products